Blood Sugar when Respond to Stress
When Stresses, bloodSugar, bloodPressure, heartRate, metabolicRate, respirationRate Increases.
Adrenal Gland
Glucagon |
Increase Blood Sugar, From Pancrea |
Epinephrine |
Increase Blood Sugar, Mobilize Carbohydrate Stores responding to stress, From Adrenal Medulla |
Norepinephrine |
Increase Blood Sugar, Turn Glycogen to Glucose responding to stress, From Adrenal Medulla |
Glucocorticoids |
Increase Blood Sugar, Break down muscle protein to amino acids, prevents some not-important cells to take in glucose |
Mineralcorticoids |
Increase Blood Pressure, Increase Water-revention. |
Adrenal Medulla
secrets Epinephrine and Norepinephrine for short term effect
- Source: Adrenal Medulla
- Sink: Liver, Heart, Eyes, BloodVessel, Muscle
- Effect:
- Liver and Muscle breaks down Glycogen to Glucose
- Release Lipid from fat cells
- HeartRate and StrokeVolume Increases
- RespirationRate Increases because of the dilation of bronchioles.
- Dilation and Constriction of BloodVessel to have more oxygen and nutrientions deliver to essential cells from non-essential cell.
Adrenal Cortex
secrets Glucocorticoid for long-term effects
- Source: Adrenal Cortex
- Effect:
- Increase breakDown of muscle protein, convert it to glucose and release in blood
- Decrease uptake of glucose by certain cells.
Chronic Stress:
Under long-term Stress, the increased Cortisol can have damaging Effect
- Impaired Thinking
- Damage to Heart Muscle
- High BloodPressure, Risk of Inflamation
This is because cortisol is anti-inflammating, so it interferes immune system.
- Therefore Hyperglycemia (High blood sugar)
- Body uses Fatty Acid as Energy Source
- Kidney can't re-absorb excess sugar
The sugar eventually leaves the body with urine via osmosis
- Large Volume of water leaves -> thrist